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Wellness Education and Workshops
Student Health & Counseling Services offers a variety of educational presentations and workshops to support student success and wellness. We offer both live (in-person or virtual) and recorded presentations. Requests are reviewed with availability of presenters. For questions or inquires about a presentation or workshop, please email
Live & Recorded Presentations
General Wellness
Hornet Wellness (60 minutes): Sacramento State is more than just a teaching institution. Hornet Wellness creates a campus ecosystem that supports health & well-being as a priority at the University. Our campus designates resources to help positively impact students' mental health, health care, and wellness. This presentation offers an opportunity to learn more about:
- Barriers to academic success
- Health and well-being resources to support the college experience
- Wellness services at The WELL, including Student Health & Counseling Services
- Additional campus resources related to wellness and mental health
- Tools to support taking care of your own mental health and wellness
*Requests are reviewed with the availability of presenters
Campus Opioid Safety Act (SB 367 & AB 461)
The Campus Opioid Safety Act (SB 367 & AB 461) aims to reduce opioid-related overdoses and deaths at public colleges and universities through life-saving education, information, and access to federally approved opioid overdose reversal medication on campus. To comply with these requirements Sacramento State is providing in-person group Narcan and fentanyl test strips trainings, as well as an asynchronous online option. Trainings are open to all students, employees, and campus community members.
In this training, attendees will learn:
- What opioids are and how the opioid epidemic is impacting our community
- How to spot the signs of an opioid overdose
- How to administer Naloxone/Narcan
- Learn about fentanyl test strips, the safety risks of use, how to use them properly for overdose prevention.
- Identify on- and off-campus resources to obtain free naloxone/Narcan and fentanyl test strips
Attendees will receive a free box of Naloxone/Narcan and up to 5 free fentanyl strips. Virtual attendees must show their email confirmation to the Wellness Office staff (The WELL Room 1000) to pick up their free box of Naloxone/Narcan and fentanyl test strips.
Requests are reviewed with the availability of presenters.
Request a Live or a Recorded Presentation
Learning to cook can be fun! At cooking demos students to learn to prepare tasty, easy recipes for busy humans. Participants will increase their confidence on how to follow a recipe, safely chop food, adding fruits and vegetables into their meals, and how to access resources for eating on a tight budget. Classes are interactive and led by Peer Health Educators. Limited to 20 participants. Workshops will take place at The Cove Kitchen (1st floor, The WELL). (60 minutes)
Don’t like complicated meals with lots of clean-up? You’re not alone! Learn to make a complete meal in one dish, better understand nourishing foods in each of the food groups, and practice making meals balanced. Gain insight and resources on where to find delicious recipes for lots more dishes! Includes a mini cooking demonstration. Limited to 25 participants. Workshop will take place at The Cove Kitchen (1st floor, The WELL).
Are you in a time crunch, have limited access to kitchen appliances, or simply just too tired to cook? Try (safely) cooking with a microwave. Explore how to make tasty, satisfying meals cooked in the microwave, as well as other tips on cooking with limited space and money. Also learn how expiration dates do not always mean you need to throw out your food. Includes a mini cooking demonstration. Limited to 25 participants. Workshop will take place at The Cove Kitchen (1st floor, The WELL).
Want to enhance the flavor of your food? In this workshop, learn how to use spices, herbs, and other ingredients to flavor your food. Also explore which types of fats are most nutritious and how to incorporate them into your cooking. Includes a mini cooking demonstration. Limited to 25 participants. Workshop will take place at The Cove Kitchen (1st floor, The WELL).
Do you feel like it can be difficult to eat a nutritious meal when you’re on the go a lot? It’s not always possible to avoid eating out, and that’s okay. In this workshop, learn how to make nutritious choices when eating from a restaurant, as well as how to prepare food ahead of time that is suitable for eating on-the-go. Includes a mini cooking demonstration. Limited to 25 participants. Workshop will take place at The Cove Kitchen (1st floor, The WELL).
It can be hard to focus on your schoolwork when you’re hungry. In this workshop, learn how to choose and prepare quick snacks to help keep you uplifted and energized. Also practice identifying serving sizes and measuring ingredients. Includes a mini cooking demonstration. Limited to 25 participants. Workshop will take place at The Cove Kitchen (1st floor, The WELL).
Need to stay full and energized throughout the day? Meat and other protein foods can help make this happen. In this workshop, learn to prepare delicious, balanced meals with meat (and meat alternatives) as well as techniques for cooking meat. Includes a mini cooking demonstration. Limited to 25 participants. Workshop will take place at The Cove Kitchen (1st floor, The WELL).
Looking to try some new vegetable-based dishes? In this workshop, learn how to prepare tasty, balanced vegetarian meals. Also practice identifying plant sources of protein and learn tips on storing your produce items. Includes a mini cooking demonstration. Limited to 25 participants. Workshop will take place at The Cove Kitchen (1st floor, The WELL).
College students often have very busy schedules. Planning meals and snacks ahead can help to make sure you eat nourishing foods to stay energized and focused. This workshop will go over how to create a meal plan and grocery list and provide guidance on interpreting packaged food labels. The workshop includes a mini cooking demonstration with discussion on how to cook for one person. Limited to 25 participants. Workshop will take place at The Cove Kitchen (1st floor, The WELL).
Participants will meet for three workshops with the same CalFresh Healthy Living team. The workshops are Healthy Meal Planning and Prepping, Easy Dishes with Meat (and Meat Alternatives), and Lunch on the Go. Participants receive a giveaway when they attend all three workshops. Limited to 25 participants. Workshop will take place at The Cove Kitchen (1st floor, The WELL).
CARES & Basic Needs
Supporting Students in Crisis (60 minutes): This presentation focuses on the basic needs issues that impact college students at Sacramento State, and the resources available through the CARES Office and campus community that students can utilize to help them secure their academic endeavors. This presentation offers an opportunity to learn more about:
- Understanding the major areas of basic needs that impact students on campus
- Learn the difference between stress and distress and how both impact student success
- Identify resources available through CARES office to help students struggling with issues pertaining to basic needs
*Requests are reviewed with the availability of presenters
Talk Saves Lives
Talk Saves Lives - Hosted by The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Greater Sacramento Chapter (60 minutes).
Talk Saves Lives is an education program that provides participants with a clear understanding of this leading cause of death, including the most up-to-date research on suicide prevention, and what they can do in their communities to save lives. Participants will learn common risk factors and warning signs associated with suicide, and how to keep themselves and others safe. Topics covered include:
- Scope of Problem: The latest data on suicide in the U.S. and worldwide
- Research: Information from research on what causes people to consider suicide, as well as health, historical, and environmental factors that put individuals at risk
- Prevention: An understanding of the protective factors that lower suicide risk, and strategies for managing mental health and being proactive about self-care
- What ou Can Do: Guidance on warning signs and behaviors to look for, and how to get help for someone in a suicidal crisis
*Requests are reviewed with the availability of presenters
Request a Live or a Recorded Presentation
Talk Saves Lives: Latinx & Hispanic Communities - Hosted by The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Greater Sacramento Chapter (60 minutes).
An Introduction to Suicide Prevention for the Latinx and Hispanic Communities (available in English and Spanish) is a community education presentation that addresses mental health, suicide, and its impact in the Latinx and Hispanic communities in the United States. The goal of this program is to create conversations in Latinx and Hispanic communities around mental health and encourage help-seeking to prevent suicide and suicide attempts. Participants will receive helpful education in:
- Mental health and suicide prevention through activity-based learning
- Protective factors, risk factors and warning signs specific to Latinx and Hispanic communities
- Racial and systemic factors that contribute to barriers in seeking help and suicide risk in Latinx and Hispanic communities
- How participants can take care of their communities and speak with family and friends about suicide and mental health
- Steps to take to seek culture-specific mental health resources in Spanish and English and take-home materials to use if needed in the future
*Requests are reviewed with the availability of presenters
Sexual Violence Prevention
CLEAR Consent (Live - 60 minutes)
In the CLEAR Consent training, unpack the messages about sex, learn what consent consists of, and gain confidence in how to navigate these conversations. There are a variety of factors that contribute to sexual harm, one of which is the (unrealistic) sex-pectations students are bombarded with; there is a lot of external pressure to engage in sexual activity, even though haven’t been taught how to navigate those situations in realistic, healthy ways. Through this workshop this session, participants actively help to create a campus and society free from sexual violence. *Presented by the Office of Equal Opportunity.
Healthy, Unhealthy, & Abusive Relationships (Live - 60 minutes)
Participants will learn how to spot the difference between healthy, unhealthy, and abusive relationships. Learn what sorts of conflict can be worked out (and how), and when a red flag is so bright they should reconsider who they're with. Students will also learn about common patterns seen in abusive relationships (such as power and control and the cycle of violence). *Presented by the Office of Equal Opportunity.
Responding to Sexual and Relationship Harm (Live – 30-45 minutes)
Participants will learn how to respond when someone shares they've experienced sexual or relationship harm. Understand how to approach the situation with compassion and how to empower the person to make the best decisions for themselves on how to move forward. Participants will also learn about resources on campus and within the community that can provide further support. *Presented by the Office of Equal Opportunity.
Sexual Violence Prevention is Anti-Racist Work (Live – 60 minutes)
This presentation will explore how sexual violence is an ‘all-of-us-issue’ by looking at the roots of sexual violence and resistance in American history among Black, Indigenous, Disabled, Queer, and Trans communities. Identify the ways sexual violence still disproportionately impacts minoritized communities today. With this understanding, this presentation discusses four tangible ways all students can be allies/accomplices in sexual violence prevention. *Presented by the Office of Equal Opportunity.
Holding the Culture Accountable: Leaders as Allies in Preventing Sexual Violence (Live – 45-60 minutes)
When sexual or relationship violence occurs we often think of it solely as an individual's choice. But with its high prevalence, we have to look deeper to see how our culture supports (and encourages) these behaviors. In this session, explore the different cultural influences and messaging that may not realize are harmful, affecting our choices. Identify four key ways can find meaningful ways to show up as an ally in shifting our culture and preventing sexual and relationship violence at Sac State. *Presented by the Office of Equal Opportunity.
Sex & Pop Culture (Live – 45-60 minutes)
Sex and pop culture are inextricably intertwined and impact how we view and navigate sexual and romantic relationships. The workshop takes a deep dive into the messages we've learned about sex, sexuality, and relationships through popular pop culture phenomenon’s such as Euphoria, Twilight, Real Housewives, Ted Lasso, and more. We'll talk about where these messages have been harmful and where we're seeing the tides change toward more positive representation. *Presented by the Office of Equal Opportunity.
Recorded Presentations
Narcan Training (Virtual Asynchronous 40 minutes)
In compliance with the Campus Opioid Safety Act, Sacramento State is providing opioid overdose prevention education and information on the use of reversal medication, Naloxone/Narcan, and fentanyl test strips to the campus community. In this training, you will learn about the opioid epidemic, how to spot the signs of an overdose, how to administer Naloxone/Narcan, and prevention education and risk of use of fentanyl test strips. Attendees will receive a free box of Naloxone/Narcan and up to 5 fentanyl test strips. Virtual attendees must show their email confirmation to the Wellness Office staff to pick up their free box of Naloxone/Narcan and fentanyl test strips.
Hornet Wellness (Virtual Asynchronous 40 minutes)
Sacramento State is more than just a teaching institution. Hornet Wellness creates a campus ecosystem that supports health & well-being as a priority at the University. Our campus designates resources to help positively impact students' mental health, health care, and wellness. This presentation offers an opportunity to learn more about:
- Barriers to academic success
- Health and well-being resources to support the college experience
- Wellness services at the WELL, including Student Health & Counseling Services
- Additional campus resources to related to wellness and mental health
- Tools to support taking care of your own mental health and wellness
Matters of The Heart (Virtual Asynchronous 20 minutes)
Matters of the Heart is a presentation about the components of healthy relationships. This presentation is designed to introduce students to the components of a healthy relationship and includes topics such as sexual assault and sexual/domestic violence. Please note sometimes when exploring issues related to health and wellness (even in an academic or professional setting) one can have strong emotional reactions. If in the process of reviewing the presentation you feel overwhelmed or upset by emotional concerns, please remember Student Health, Counseling, & Wellness Services are available at (916) 278‐6461 to make an appointment with a provider, mental health counselor, or confidential advocate. Visit for more information on business hours and services provided.
During this presentation, participants will increase knowledge of:
- Understanding the different types of relationships and the relationship spectrum
- Understanding the difference between a healthy and unhealthy relationship
- Understanding consent, and be able to identify sexual assault and domestic violence
- Identify and understand the options that survivors have on campus and in the Sacramento community
Request a Live or a Recorded Presentation
Wellness in the Classroom
Positive well-being is an important predictor of learning and student success. Research indicates a strong connection between student wellbeing, deep learning, and impactful teaching practices. By making small adjustments to teaching practices and course structure, faculty can have an enormous impact on students’ wellness and ability to learn, even inside the classroom. The Classroom Wellness Online Toolkit is a menu of strategies and resources, to help faculty incorporate elements of wellbeing into their pedagogy. Wellness in the Classroom offers additional resources, technical assistance, and a Faculty Learning Community through the Center for Teaching and Learning. For more information or inquiries to incorporate Wellness in the Classroom, please contact Reva Wittenberg for more information.